Incel >> About Us

We are a global distributor of electronic components, providing electronic components, services and data to our customers. Our data-centric and scalable platform ensures that we are in a favorable position to ensure that you purchase reliable electronic components at the best price and most reliable supply channels, thereby ensuring production efficiency and competitiveness.
We have a 18,000-square-foot warehouse in Hong Kong. Our flexible service methods, fast and effective quotations, and real-time inventory data updates ensure that we become your reliable business partner. At the same time, we continue to integrate innovative new electronic component supply chain solutions to improve your profits and reduce inventory costs.
At Incel, we always put quality first. Our experienced quality inspectors and engineers offer the industry's strongest anti-counterfeiting and detection protocols, providing our customers with unparalleled supply chain security.
Franchise line:
With over 30 franchise lines, we work closely with our suppliers to ensure you have access to state-of-the-art components when and where you need them.